Inside the box there are a couple boots, once worn tighten the cam height of the neck of the foot so as to better adhere to the overshoe. Once removed the boots you can put back in their custody and reuse them as many times as you need for the present.
here's how to choose your size:

Note! some models of shoes can have a volume greater than the outer extent of the footwear,
Therefore, it is left to the discretion of the customer the choice of the size,
when considering whether to switch to a larger number of shoe and its corresponding size.
here below an example with no shoes. 43
The boot Goldon allows us to offer a service to its customers. A useful and functional, which in turn can become a means of communication itinerant offering the ability to spread your logo printed on the boots or bags (promotional events, events, gadgets, etc.).
Here are some examples: