The idea was born from the need to protect our feet and our legs in the presence of the phenomenon of high water in Venic, that is when you are in travel lanes, even with only a few inches of water, but such as to make us wet the feet.
One can easily imagine the discomfort that will meet those who were to bear in Venice for a business meeting to attend college or just sightseeing tour, which lasted the phenomenon of high tide or in the days of heavy rain.
Goldon overshoe boots are designed precisely to avoid such situations .

These boots have the advantage of being lightweight, weighing only 350g, and have a very small footprint, being able to fit in a pocket, purse or in the trunk of a motorcycle or a car.

This allows us to easily use them when we need to protect our legs until the ' knee height .
Thanks to its heat-sealed waterproof seams High Frequency Goldon boots provide protection from water, mud, snow, dust, etc. .
It is worn over the footwear most common and simple design , ensuring a long life considerably if used appropriately thanks to their reinforcements on the heel and on the sole.
The characteristics of this overshoe make a type of shoe comfortable and functional in case of need, without claiming to replace the characteristics of a classic boot, but inserting in a strip between the overshoe disposable product and a normal rain boot.